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Favorite Sites
This is one of the best sites to get all of your computer needs from! They sell everything there! I have even built my whole computer there!
This is a new and fast growing computer forum that I am a member in. I suggest that you join to learn and share infomation.
I own a ipod video and I have learned alot on how to take atvantege of all the features. They have a forum for every ipod out there. Take a look.
A really good place for music, movies, and software!
The good old google that we know and love but... for videos!!!
A great little goldfish forum growing fast!
A friends site.

Search Engines
The best search engine ever!
One of the most visited hubs on the Internet, reaching one out of every two Web users.
With over half a million sites, divided into more than 25,000 categories, Yahoo! is both browseable and searchable.
GO Network is a new brand that brings together the very best of the Internet in one, easy-to-use place.
Have Fun!